ΚΛΙΝΙΚΗ ΛΕΜΕΣΟΥ: Αρχιεπ. Μακαρίου 22, Πολυκ. ΚΛΕΑ, Διαμ. 401 Τηλ / Φαξ: +
357 - 25574900 ΚΛΙΝΙΚΗ ΛΕΥΚΩΣΙΑΣ: Χρίστου Τσιάρτα 24, Πολυκ.
ΕΛΜΑ 1, Διαμ. 44 Τηλ: + 357 -
ΚΛΙΝΙΚΗ ΠΑΦΟΥ: Μάνης 24 Ηλεκτρονικό Ταχυδρομείο:

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This site was compiled by the Chinese Medical
Centre of Cyprus and its mission is to inform the general public
about the Chinese medical practices offered by the staff of the
centre. It is for information only. If you feel unwell you
should seek advice from a qualified health care professional.
Our mission is to provide effective holistic health care using
acupuncture, herbs, and massage. We do not actively collect any
data about website visitors. This site is entirely funded by the
Chinese Medical Centre of Cyprus, without any sponsorship or
advertisement, and we do not host any form of advertising. This
site contains links to external sources. We try to ensure we
only link to reputable websites but we cannot guarantee the
quality and accuracy of information contained on internet pages
not compiled by the Chinese Medical Centre of Cyprus. This page
was last updated in
29/04/2015 by
Dr. Charis Theocharous. |